Thursday, December 4, 2014

So much to share from November

So many new and exciting things happened last month. This will be a lengthy blog post. Enjoy!

Math- We have worked a lot on our multiplication facts and have learned a lot of tricks. Please help your child start memorizing their facts as we are starting with division already tomorrow. 
 We have also used these newly learned facts to discuss the distribution property, multi-step story problems, and how to multiply with multiple factors.

Reading- This week we read  Night of the Pufflings by 
Bruce McMillan. 

On a tiny island off the coast of Iceland, Halla and her friends wait with anticipation. Every spring, millions of puffins, the clowns of the sea, return to nest, lay eggs, and raise their chicks to pufflings. That means Halla and her friends will be busy in August when the pufflings venture out at night to take their first flight. Then, all of the children stay out all night, too. During the nights of the pufflings they rescue thousands of stranded young birds, and in the daytime set them safely free at the beach
We also read  Across the Wide Dark Sea: The Mayflower Journey by Jean Van Leeuwen
A small boy and his father set sail from England in 1620, on the Mayflower which carried nearly 100 passengers across the ocean to a new life. Leeuwen tells how this small group of immigrants faced the unknown terrors of a strange new country. Based on actual records of one of the Mayflower's passengers.

Writing- This week we have completed a lot of work in our Language Arts notebooks with some of the standards in language fundamentals. Before that we spent a lot of time on our pilgrim journals and write before Thanksgiving, we took a quick break as our morning meeting to discuss things we were thankful for. We took some time to create turkeys and they were adorable! 


Science and Social Studies-  This week we started talking about what it means to have equality and equal rights. The past month we worked on several pilgrim simulations. Last week we had a chance for the kids to share their learning during our pilgrim museum. I love my job! Just in case you may have been unable to attend....

I am having some technical difficulties on the videos. Look for those soon! :)

Have a great day
Mrs. Jodie Yuska